Thursday, December 6, 1984

How To Build A Electronic Caller

Thesis producer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Degree thesis, Do it your self, Self made

"The influence of information technology on the future office organization
thesis" electric "and create even himself.

thesis at the Mittelrheinische Administration and Economy Academy to Bonn
Business Department of
Wilfried Koch Ramer Bach 1984

with Professor Dr , Dres hc Horst Albach, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

logistics workflow IT office organization future future Degree thesis, Bachelor, Master, Telebox Teleboxdienst Imbkos Do it your self, Self made How To Fold a T-shirt in 2 seconds see down the end innovations


The content of this thesis is the second part of this BLOG shown.

The first part of this paper is about the physical production of labor with the help of hardware and software. The advantages of a simpler design and correction of the text on the screen of a black and white TV can be used with the help of memory (RAM 1K) of a small computer .
Furthermore, the graphic design possibilities unimaginable.

In July 1984 I was after a 4-year degree in business administration nebenberuflichem from the Middle Rhine administrative - and Economic academy at Bonn, from Professor Dr. Dre . hc called Horst Albach (University of Bonn), the topic for my thesis to be created.

Now I had 6 weeks time I have to worry about "
The influence of information technology on future office organization . Then I could finish the thought with an electric typewriter company Olivetti to paper. loosen

To the image of the thesis a little, I put a 3 different type wheels in the expression of each page. It had the pressure each n to change be stopped.

Since I had upgraded the electric typewriter with a Centronics interface, I could each one A4 page in the 1 K large en memory ( RAM type) of my computer purchased in 1981 Sinclair ZX 81, corrected and then a flat cable to print on the typewriter.

I use the Sinclair Z X 81 today still :

(And be interior is in the writing - but the Olivetti is sold)

The Creation:

The electric typewriter was previously still provided with an automatic, electric carriage return at the end of the roll (
micro switch ) so that one operate on the machine do not require you. Except for the switch, the respective insertion of the A4 page and change the type wheels went the phrase automatically. then

order to graduate work in
bound the next morning at the administrative - and Economic make Academy can, I went at the end of the 6 week period following these steps:

first Material list creation with

stk _Beschreibung__________
10 cardboard, A4, 180 gr
, blue
360 paper, A4, 80
gr , white
5 elephant skin (film), 400 x 600 mm, transparent
5 tape, 30 x 310, fabric, blue
3 Hot glue cartridge, Transparent
Tippex (correction fluid ), white paper
20 characters, 120 gr
, A4, white 1 tube
photo mounting adhesive, 125 gr

second All 59 pages individually print

Note: The layout was
of each page of free space for the still pictures lacing left behind. The characters with ink-drawn by me Pictures were then glued into the open areas with a photo adhesive.

The created 59 pages of the manuscript was then copies each of 5 times (War outrageously expensive).

third The blue cover sheets each have a page with the transparent skin, elephant fitted.

4th place for the 5 runs per a blue cover with the elephant skin down on a flat surface.

5th Place on the cover sheets of a blank sheet (the so-called

6th The 59 prints in each case lay in the correct order.

7th cut out on the 5 upper deck leaves a rectangle (so that the title of the can read and graduate work).

8th These cover sheets lay on top and the 5 stack align (push).

9th With the drill press, drill holes every 6 in the left gutter.

10th This tack-fill holes to cool the hot glue gun and leave.

11th For gutter with the blue fabric tape wound around
- Just looks better.

12th Done! All five copies signed, bagging and dispensing

The Economic diploma was on 6 December 1984 in the old auditorium of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University in the "late bloomers" is presented.

The contents of the thesis, with the result that migrate the 3 types of office environment (IT, telecommunications and office equipment) to an "integrated multi-functional office communications system" Imbkos ,
follows in the following section:

The Second part:

contents of the thesis

"The influence of information technology on the future office organization

thesis at the Central Rhine Administrative and Economic Academy in Bonn

(VWA) Business subject, Wilfried Koch Ramer Bach 1984

with Professor Dr Dres hc Horst Albach, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn


Statement 2:

Imbkos: the " I ntegrated M ultifunktionale B ÜRO ko mmunikations s ystem "of the future

This s" Imbkos " we have now (2006) all already in the form of a laptop with the Mutifunktionsdrucker (Color Printer . with scanner and fax) and additional WAN and TV Card DVB-T

preview of the overall work:
(download below)

Download pdf or tif:

The 3MB (via a free file sharing service - but it takes a long time)

content as pdf: PDF file

content as TIF: TIF file
