Monday, November 8, 2010

Woman With A Bare Bottom

In Strawczyn (2nd day)

Friday, 29/10/2010

your notes that Friday was a really busy and varied day.
After we returned from the excursion through the town back, we have put together again to work on the questionnaire.

also have the Polish colleagues familiar with our blog.
the late afternoon we visited the sample of the orchestra Strawczyn.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Titanware Cookware Reviews Sam's Club

Strawczyn (2nd day) In

Friday, 29/10/2010

On a tour of Strawczyn we had the opportunity to us to see the new playground, the treatment facility, the stadium and the new swimming pool. We were impressed by what has made the relatively small community within a year. From the pool was when we visited in August 2009 has not seen and now it is to be completed in the fall. Congratulations!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Livestrong Baseball Glove

Strawczyn (2nd day) In

Friday, 10/29/2010


This day was very varied. We first visited the school in the morning Strawczyn. We could look into the classrooms and also in the gym. We had the opportunity to pass by our students-made gifts to the students.

Then we met our first working meeting at City Hall. Our hosts presented their Gemeeinde and we exchanged preliminary information about the school system in our countries. In addition, we were greeted by the mayor and were able to give our Gatsgeschenke.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Damask Jacquard Difference

Strawczyn (1st day) visit to the MFL

Thursday, 10/28/2010

After a long journey from Germany we arrived almost two hours late to our destination Strawczyn 19.30pm. We were greeted by the colleague of the administration and operation of the school very much.
in the foyer of the Town Hall the students had prepared an exhibition on the town. We were impressed with how much effort the students were given. They made models of Seeing sights of the town and photographs showed the originals. An idea that has us very much.
Then there was the official welcome for a snack and a first exchange of views on the process and the objectives for the coming days.