Thursday, January 27, 2011

Are Japanese Grope Real?

.... And again 12 stars are ready

In recent days I have not sat at the sewing machine so often. But my hobby I've been met a little.

12 more stars for my * grin * someday becoming ready Stars Quilt * grin *

Notre Dame Walking Canes

..... more stars and a brightly cheerful Tilda

Furthermore, I was the friend of my daughter nor Tilda guilty.

.... and next week we ran back to the sewing machine.
substances since I am fed it some thought. Now I would slowly but surely begin to even survive the process.

..... in my head spin even more things to be produced such as sleeping bag, nest, baby baby blankets and so much more rum.

wishes to all of you have a wonderful week.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Blueprints On How To Build A Mantle

A trip with friends

immersion model, the meeting of school representatives from the primary school Edderitz with colleagues in the school Strawczyn. Of 17 19/01/2011 Nelaimischkies wife stayed up, the head teacher and Ms. Buechner - that the majority of the workforce of the small school - with Dr. Barlow in Strawczyn. The main objective was getting to know the Polish school, their planned Comenius partner school in Spain and one from Italy and the related environmental project and the attempt to enter as a partner number four in this project.
Since it does not happen very often that elementary school teachers take business trips to foreign countries, both had little stage fright. Fortunately, two colleagues from Spain had come to bring the same to the application documents required for Brussels to terms. Quickly, the three "nations" in detail and negotiated in a cultured English.
Our gift, a Köthener herb with Mr. Bach on the label was offered as an inspiration but largely spurned. It was obviously not the right time and the false drops. Despite this it was well underway. All interested are very prepared for the contributions of Edderitzerinnen.
Dr. Barlow discussed the details for future work on the regional project and found an opportunity, the memorial of a famous visit in neighboring Poland. It is the author of the historical novel "Quo vadis?" Henryk Sienkiewicz, who won the Nobel Prize and was adapted his former villa with EU assistance very loving.
the afternoon there was still time to make a brief visit to the site. This was run by older students in the English language. A very short trip to Kielce was just enough for all of the many celebrities who are to be found in the character of the bronze heads of major international artists.
In the evening the hotel was more talking about Europe, and Comenius school project work. Although the nice farewell from our hosts came much too early, now all are back a little bit richer than before.
K. Barlow

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Majin Tantei Nogami Neuro doujin

Meeting in January

found in the past week, our first meeting in this year in the administration of the City Southern Anhalt.
We have discussed many things:
, Ms Wagner, the region in figures and facts on the
Using a Power Point presentation I informed about our visit in Strawczyn..
Mr Stary W. reported on the progress of work at the training workshop.
Nelaimischkies woman gave us information about the Comenius application of the primary school Edderitz.
addition, we are informed of the Polish-course at the adult education and how to contact the municipality Kabelsketal.
One focus of our advice was to prepare for the visit of our Polish partners in March. We are looking forward to seeing.
The next meeting of the German partners will take place on 24.02.2011 in Pfaffendorf.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How To Change To Front Camera On An E71

new storage option I found this one material substance

long time, I was wondering, how can I keep my best materials and many ways I have tried. But I was never really satisfied with my fabric closet.

Shortly before Christmas - we had one way or the Horn Bach - I discovered the so-called Laubsägevorlagen Hornbach. The small wooden boards are about 30 cm high and 21 cm wide, the thickness of the boards is about 0.5 cm. When I saw these boards in front of me, I decided to take me some sample. Meanwhile, must I again urgently to Hornbach. For I have some fabric - but no more boards.

The substance can be - almost like a fabric store - wind up beautifully - will be made on the back with a needle and I can sort the materials and for colors, patterns or projects. The Christmas fabrics are now back in the "material bearing", etc. etc.

....... and now - yes, I'm really happy with the table in my small fabric storage - something that now and then again larger or smaller is.


10' Perception Caspia Kayak

My loot from Friday

'm looking forward to's Grandma was Friday so I will go see just to be time after children substance (not really wanted to buy). But as I've seen these materials, I could not resist.

From the green "Tante Ema" stuff I want to sew a sleeping bag. But I have never sewn anything. Place already the consideration to whether I perhaps in search of a so-called "godmother" to sew a sleeping bag to go, which tells me it / emailed it to take:
* grin * 500g flour, 250g sugar, 125g butter, etc. "* * grins

buzzing around in my head so much I want to sew everything for the baby - but as I said - in my head. I just have not ventured to Baby-/Kleinkindersachen.

But the first fabric is ever in the sewing room.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Monica Roccaforte Sing

again .... and 5 stars is finished ... my

First, I wish you all a wonderful Sunday.

Here with us the sun is shining and it is a delight to see on my sewing machine away and finally to see no snow and no ice.

Just hope that all those who struggle with the high water, come back soon to rest.

This week I've been to other 5 stars and would like to now slowly but surely also specify the clip together with the large hexagons.

But from about 120 to 140 stars are now lieseln I want to become less schonmal 9.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Favorie Lip Balm Flavors

two patch companion ....

About the Shar-Pei, is our Clyde, there is a book called "the strong, silent type." This track I can support only. Clyde and patching gives me peace and strength.

Meagan Good's Short Haircut

.... and now I begin to feel like a baby quilt,

what comes of it - wait and see .......

Brent Corrigan Working Hard Limewire

large turtle - was a Christmas gift for daughter and son-in

Culinary Arts Texas A&m

2011 I would like many stars lieseln

The Quilt Friends, I found a Theard "lieseln 2011 stars." I also have

can infect me with the Stars lieseln started ..... but only really started ..... guess that I will lieseln so about 120-140 stars.

2011 has indeed just begun.

Great Deals On Lcd Televisions For Superbowl

My first Lone Star

a long time I want this part to my "I want to do" list and it is slowly but surely to a close and soon I can hang this Lone Star in the space provided.

........ but "good things take time ...... hope

What Is The Best Kookaburra Bat

New blog, new projects .. ...........

Hello and a good Sunday I have all my blog visitors.

Thanks to my "very love Blog godmother Honeybee " I managed to work out a new blog.

I am happy to see you, to which I patch things right now.

Greetings from Mönchengladbach