Good morning Inspired!
and motivated by all the wonderful masterpieces that I could admire in your blogs, I mean yesterday sewing machine set.
What for me is always a great battle who will win well, my sewing machine, which only takes up their service if I beg begging, with their disposal to the garbage threatened, or perhaps I, the nerves proves, although they are raw and then disappears patience.
Yesterday it was so time again, I have dared and after hours at the sewing machine I could use some pillows and two bunnies call my own. Probably, or certainly not perfect, (the seams) so you can not see - but for me and hands it to the guest bed in any case.
The two bunnies I made from a very old
Pillow . I wanted to dispose of the bedding set ever since it was my first self-bought bedding for my first small apartment but I never took it to the heart.'s good, because at the time, small scattered flowers are so trendy again.
Some time ago I was in a special hall that rose fabric material, which I brought with me in pink and blue. Actually, I got the idea from me to sew curtains for the guest room but now just with the ideas then, I have rejected it and I only once ventured to the pillow. At least Joy (our small dog) and I like the result, for no sooner were the pillows on the guest bed, jumped on it with great joy and made himself comfortable.
Best wishes Christine
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