Monday, March 7, 2011

How To Make Macbook Camera Work On Oovoo

New year, new luck

Oh dear ... I wrote not long ago. But I have to be honest, I was very depressed at the end of last year. It did not work really. I did not get a placement, even though he would have been unpaid. I think that's still a great pity.

But giving up is not. So I try it again this year.

I am currently in a measure of job centers. (Action always sounds so negative, while it is not at all. I can not think, however, no other word for it.) There is just entering professional life. I get to my applications always have the same rejection. I have too little professional experience. But I have now the possibility of a four-week internship to make. Advantageous for the operation: I cost him nothing. No fare, no insurance. I hope in this way to get an internship at a travel agency.

I'm doing again completed applications to me again to apply for training places. One of them will go to the TUI. I'm still a little pessimistic in this respect, because I really did not meet their criteria. Unfortunately I have only an average school diploma. While in the field of economy, but my math score is anything but good (at that time was long sick). German and English should fit. Geography However, I had been - I do not know how many - years, not more and more as a foreign language I can only offer my French school knowledge.
Although I was already often abroad, but even for a longer period, not just one year, or.
A trial internship in the tourism industry, I also can not yet make.
I have with all the shortcomings of a chance? But nothing ventured, nothing gained. So get and see what the offers.

And until then I will browse through more diligent in my travel books. :-)


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